- Welcome to Takeda Katayama Kaneshima Lab.!
- We are developing new spectroscopic methods using ultrashort pulse lasers and carrying out research on the characteristics of novel materials using these methods. For more detail on our research topics, please see the page of our website. Takeda & Kaneshima Lab.orKatayama Lab.
- We welcome you to join us for your graduate degrees or senior thesis.
- Please also visit our other website.http://www.laser-nanoscience.ynu.ac.jp/ja/もご覧下さい。
- Another website (English version) is available. Please seehttp://www.laser-nanoscience.ynu.ac.jp/en/
- 2021/8
- "Observation of Ultrafast Amorphization Dynamics in GeCu2Te3 Thin Films Using Echelon-Based Single-Shot Transient Absorbance Spectroscopy" was published in the Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 061102: pp. 1-4 (2021). (IF=3.597)(doi.org/10.1063/5.0052872)
- 2021/5
- "Ultrastrong Magnon-Magnon Coupling Dominated by Antiresonant Interactions"was published in the Nat. Commun. 12, 3115: pp. 1-9 (2021). (IF=12.121) (doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-23159-z)
- 2021/1
- A comment on “Waveform Sampling on an Atomic Scale”, a paper by a German research group, was accepted on News & Views in the Nature Photon. 15, pp. 70-71 (2021). (IF=38.301) (doi.org/10.1038/s41566-020-00753-z)(reffer university PR)
- A co-authored paper with Riken on “Terahertz-field-driven Scanning Tunneling Luminescence Spectroscopy” was published in ACS Photonics. The article was press released by YNU.(https://www.ynu.ac.jp/hus/koho/25853/detail.html)
- 2020/11
- Professor Katayama was invited to give a special lecture on the web on “Nonlinear terahertz spectroscopy of Bi and BiSb thin films” at the Symposium on Frontier of Terahertz Science VII.
- Professor Katayama gave a two-day intensive lecture and seminar on “ Light-matter interaction “ at Tokyo Institute of Technology.
- "Photoinduced Nanoscale Phase Change in Ge2Sb2Te5”,co-authored by Asakawa( the former assistant professor), Kim(M2) and Yaguchi(an alumnus), was published on Applied Physics Letters,a well-known high-impact magazine in the field of applied physics. This is a fruit of a joint research with Shigekawa Lab,Tsukuba University and Kuwahara Lab, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- 2020/10
- An international joint research with Rice university by Katsumasa Yoshioka (PhD graduate)was publised in the Physical Review Letters
- 2020/7
- (Editor’s Pick)A co-authored paper with NTT Basic Research Laboratories on “Spectral phase interferometry with isolated attosecond pulse ” was published in Optics Express and featured on Editor’s Pick.
- 2020/5
- The contents of the paper on “ Macroscopic Ionic Flow in a Superionic Conductor Na+ β-Alumina Driven by Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulse”, which was press-released in April, was featured on The Nikkei Newspaper (May 18, morning edition, page 9),The wabes Newspaper and The Optronics online version.
- 2020/5
- A paper on “ Ultrafast Optical Modulation of Dirac Electrons in Gated Single Layer Graphene” was published in the Journal of the American Physical Society Phys. Rev. B.
- 2020/5
- Mr. Oshima (M1) was awarded with The Best Student Oral Paper Award at the ALPA2020 International Conference in April. Congratulations to Mr. Oshima!
- 2020/4
- Mr. Ohshima (1st year doctoral student) made a presentation on “Interferometric spectroscopy in extreme ultraviolet region with isolated attosecond pulse” at the 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020) international conference.
- 2020/4
- a A paper on “ Macroscopic Ionic Flow in a Superionic Conductor Na+ β-Alumina Driven by Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulse”, an international joint research with MIT, was published by Yasuo Minami as the first author in the Phys. Rev. Lett., a well-known high-impact magazine in the field of physics when he was an assistant professor. The article was press released by YNU https://www.ynu.ac.jp/hus/koho/23882/detail.html)。
- 2020/1
- The bilateral international exchange program with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech, which was 2nd in The World University Ranking in 2020, and 5th in the QS World University Ranking in 2020) was adopted. We will conduct international joint research on single-shot two-dimensional spectroscopy for two years from next year.